@misc{severBlockchain2021, type = {chapter}, title = {Blockchain {Integration} {Into} {Supply} {Chain} {Operations}: {An} {Analysis} {With} {Case} {Studies}}, shorttitle = {Blockchain {Integration} {Into} {Supply} {Chain} {Operations}}, url = {www.igi-global.com/chapter/blockchain-integration-into-supply-chain-operations/273821}, abstract = {Following the globalization initiated by containerization of logistics, supply chains might be due another revolution by the integration of the disruptive blockchain technology that addresses the current issues with the management of complex global supply chains. Blockchains are distributed digital...}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-03-18}, journal = {Industry Use Cases on Blockchain Technology Applications in IoT and the Financial Sector}, author = {Sever, Yigit and Angin, Pelin}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.4018/978-1-7998-6650-3.ch014}, note = {ISBN: 9781799866503 Pages: 329-350 Publisher: IGI Global} }